Sunday, 9 December 2012

Resume Writing

Resume writing is one of the major challenging task. Whether you are an experienced person or a fresher, your profile plays an important role in hunting the good job. There may be thousands of resumes listed in front of desk with company HR. Among them, they will shortlist only few. In this context, an effective resume plays a significant role. Now the question is what makes the resume to be an effective one? Are there any specific criteria for a resume to become distinguished. Yes, of course, we will discuss about the same here.

I would like to focus this topic of resume, specially for freshers, though it might be help for experienced users too. There are different names given for this title - some of them call it as CV(Curriculum Vitae) or Profile or Resume. Profile is the common term used for CV as well as Resume.  Lets us first differentiate between the
CV and Resume.
CV : - This is the common term used in case of experienced person.
Resume :- The freshers profile or a person having experience less than  2-3 years of work experience, we call it as Resume.

Some Common Rules while writing Resume:
1) If you are a fresher, don't complicate your resume more. Make it as simple as possible with some of effective points to be highlighted  that differentiates you from others.
2) Do not decorate your resumes by putting underlines, stylish fonts etc.
3) Use common font at all places like; Times New Roman, Calibri etc with font size 10-12. You can highlight  the most important keywords of your Resume by making it Bold.
4) The freshers resume should not go beyond two pages.
5) If you are good at technical side though, if you feel that you have less marks in comparison to others , do not show the marks percentage in resume. Some times it works, there may come a situation when less expert people than you may bring higher marks. While shortlisting, your resume might not be shortlisted because of the same.
6) Keep the most important part of your resume in your first page of resume.

Though there are various methods & styles of writing Resumes , The very common can have the following format.

1) Put your name & contact details at top of the page, like below:
Name:                   ...........................................
Contact Number:   ...........................................
Email:                    ...........................................

Remember that, always provide  only one Email Id. As your email id should look professional, like you should not provide an email id that looks an informal like etc. While giving the contact number, you can give alternative contact numbers too. Do not place address details & other details here.

2)  Next most important part of your resume is your Objective. This is the one entity, which distinguishes you from others. Objective may be different for different platforms & working domains. However, if you are unsure about on which specific platform you are going to work, you can write general objective.
For example your general objective might be: Seeking a position to utilize my skills & abilities in an organization that offers professional growth by being resourceful, innovate,& flexible.
This does not gone to help you if your applying for only specific platform, in this case your specific objective will be helpful. For example - if you are applying for a position of .Net programmer , you objective can be - "To become an excellent .Net expert in an IT Industry ".

3) In next section you can show your most distinguished expertise, Strength ,& important events that you have handled during your college life or till the your carrier as below.
a) Strength: "Self confident, Accept & believe that nothing is impossible if done with full dedication & hard labor".
b) Important Events : 
c) Technical Skills :
d) Educational Details:
While writing your educational degrees, write your highest qualification at the top & then follow sequentially.
two degrees are enough to be shown in resume. Masters , Bachelors // Or Bachelors //Intermediate.

4) Next you can have your final project & other external project summaries.

This all contents must be present in  first page.Most of the time, HR does not have the time too look for your second or last page. S/He will sort our your resume based on first page summary only.

5) In Second page you can show the following details :

a) Hobbies
b) Personal Details:
Do not repeat you name again here.if it is previously mentioned, it may contain -
       Date of Birth:
       Language Known:
       Marital Status:
c)   Address Details: Temporary & Permanent
d)  Declaration:This is also an important thing. It ensure that the mentioned details in the resume are correct. You can write the declaration as:
I hereby declare that the information above provided is true to the best of my knowledge. If the information provided is appeared to be false, the concerned authorities are liable to take any action.

e)  Place of resume written, Date ,& Signature at the right side has to be written. Note that some companies do not accept your resume until & unless it is signed.  For ex -

Place: XYZ( Bangalore)
Date:   09 ,Dec,2012                                                                                                     Signature:

I have attached my resume demo sample. Download It.

This completes the resume. Though there are so many things that needs to be considered, I hope you will really get some idea & clue regarding the resume writing. I shared the things, what ever I knew & experience d from my company & Institute where I learned.
Your comments, suggestions ,& any improvements to this topic are hearty welcomed.

Monday, 26 November 2012

Printing content of specific div using Javascript


Guys you came across a situation, where you need to print a specific part of a Html or Php Page. When you try to execute this command in javascript :


It will print your whole page. It gives a lot problem if you do not know how to print the specific content.
For ex - In your Html page , say there is a coupon banner which needs to printed by user. Now How to do that ?

You can do it by 2 ways :
Solution 1)
Using CSS to display only the content which is under print & hiding rest of others.

  <style type="text/css" media="print" >
           .nonPrintable{display:none;} /*class for the div or any element we do not want to print*/

==>Here , while you specify ----media="print"---- inside  <style> tag, it indicates that , this css will be applied only when you are printing some content.

Solution 2)

 The next method that can be commonly applied with most of the browser is using "Javascript".

The idea behind this is :
           While you Hit the print command, Just dynamically create a new pop up page from the existing page content(the content you need to print) & then print the page. Very simple.. Just check it out.

<script type="text/javascript"><!--
function print_specific_div_content()
 //alert("Hello world");
 var content = "<html>";
 content += document.getElementById("coupon_deal_id").innerHTML ;
 content += "</body>";
 content += "</html>";

 var printWin ='','','left=0,top=0,width=1000,height=500,toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,status =0');




     <div>Here comes your dummy other content </div>
     <div id= "coupon_deal_id">
                Only this content you want to print.......

     <button type="button" onclick="print_specific_div_content()" >Print Coupon    </button> 


------Just check out the flow-----------------
1) When you click on Print coupon button , the control will go into  print_specific_div_content() function.
Then in content variable you are writing entire new html page, there you can add any content or items that you want to display with printed item. For ex - You can add the current Date inside that.

2)  After creating a content, just you are creating an instance of window using
    var printWin =
==>Then you are setting some required parameters of window such as Height & width.
==>Then you write the content to that window using printWin.document.write(content);
==>then execute the print command printWin.print();
==>& finally , close the window.


Just Rock on .. Use this function where ever you want the function to print the part of the page.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Retrieving Records in Php MySQL (Concept on Code Reusability)


You may be pretty big fan of Php-Mysql, & if you are the application development geek or at all the new learner, you will  be frequently  involved in  retrieving the data from database. As following a general pattern, if you have 10 places to retrieve/display the  record , you will write the same fetch query-giving field names of the table for 10 time as I used to do the same. This is some what quite tedious task to write the same query again & again  Like in this way :

  $query = msyql_query($yourSql);
  while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query))
$field1_value = $row['field1'];
$field2_value = $row['field2'];

The limitation of this type of pattern is:
1) You can not display the field values or records execpt inside this while loop.
2) If you have 10  places like this to show records, you will struggle writing the same query for 10 times, specifying field names , variables names & all.

Infact this type of pattern was quite irritating to me also. If you are familar with joomla JDatabase features, it returns you all of the table records in multidimensional array with one single function $db->loadAssocList();

I was inspired with this type of joomla feature & thought why not to implement the same feature, using core php only?

So , here goes the function to  retrieve MySQL records in multidimensional array format so that you can use it any where. All you need to do is just pass the the table name & your where condition for selecting the records from table.

Check it out.

function getAllDataDetails($table, $where)
 if($where != '')
  $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE $where";
  $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table" ;

 $resultArray = array();
 $row_num = 0 ;

 $query = mysql_query($sql);

 //count the number of fields in table
 $num_fields = mysql_num_fields( $query);
  //(resource,index) //returns filed name at particular index
 //Get the field names

 while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query))
  for($field_index = 0 ; $field_index < $num_fields ; $field_index++)
  $field_name =  mysql_field_name($query, $field_index) ; //firstly it will hold first field ,then 2nd etc
$resultArray[$row_num][$field_name] = $row[$field_name];


 return $resultArray;


Now for displaying the records  just call the above function:

$table_name = "myTable";
$where_condition = "where id > 10 ORDER BY id";
$tableRecordDetails = getAllDataDetails($table_name,$where_condition);

// tableRecordDetails  will be the multidimensional array

Now all you need to do is loop through an array , i am the pretty big fan of using foreach() loop pattern.

foreach($tableRecordDetails as $tableData )

//here goes your table records for ex-
        $id =  $tableData[fieldName1];  //this will be the field name of your table
$name = $tableData [fieldname2];    


No one would be happier than me , if you code,copy, paste or customize the code & implement it in your  web application. If you hava any queries, donot forget to post comment or you can directly reach to me at

Thank you
Have a Browsing moment ahead


Thursday, 19 April 2012

A glance at Android Development

Developer Site| Android Development|Opportunities

Grow with Android..........

Develop For Development

Almost 40-60% of market share has been taken up by Android Market. So, it is wisefull to grasp up with android development.

Android is really easy to learn,  if you have a good concept on any one of object oriented language C++, php or in fact java. 
Android is nothing but implementation of java classes.
My focus to learn android is why because :

Android is An Open Platform for Mobile Development.

A Linux operating system kernel that provides the low-level interface with the hardware, memory, management, and process control, all optimized for mobile devices.

Has powerful APIs, excellent documentation, a thriving developer community, and no development or distribution costs. As mobile devices continue to increase in popularity, this is an exciting opportunity to create innovative mobile phone applications no matter what your development background.

Alternative options are Iphone (Apple ) & Windows(Mango) Currently rising, but these are fully proprietary hardware and software platform. while Android is an open source software stack produced and supported by the Open Handset Alliance(OHA) and designed to operate on any handset that meets the requirements.

The Open Handset Alliance (OHA) is a collection of more than 30 technology companies including hardware manufacturers, mobile carriers, and software developers.

Android provides a lightweight relational database for each application using SQLite. It can easily communicate with Php & MySQL at server side. So you can really beautify your application using Client - server Architecture & Store- Forward Architectures too.

No liscensing fee... , Its really easy & Awesome...

Get Start your Android Journey today... (
Wish you all the Best......
Let us join Hands together....